Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Paul and I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving.  Perhaps you are passing through a rough time in your life and you are having a hard time feeling good about anything.  There is always something to be thankful for.  Sometimes I just am thankful I have awoke to a brand new day full of opportunities and choices in the morning.   Hopefully,  I was able to learn from yesterday, forgive offenses, seek forgiveness if I have offended, and make better choices with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Happiness is a choice.  I hope you will choose to be thankful and even if it is one small thing, such as a smile from another, the fact you can walk (some may not be able to walk anymore because of physical difficulties), the fact you are able to pray, just something you need to live such as air to breath, dwell on it, be thankful for it, say it aloud, and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.  God knows your name, He knows where you are at, and He promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us.

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