Wednesday, February 22, 2012

LAC Commission on HIV/AIDS

Paul and I, along with David and Paula Stanislaus, Peggy Pyatt, and Bill and Dorothy Smith taught a group of Haitian Pastors and church workers representing 16 churches in the Port-au-Prince area of Haiti, a seminar on HIV/AIDS.

The newly revised Global AIDS Partnership materials were introduced.  Some of the material was translated into Creole before the seminar and the rest was in French.  All can read the French materials, however, having it in your own dialect is even better.  The translation of the materials continues, so that all materials can be in Creole in the future.

Haiti has a very high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS.  Jesus commissioned the church to reach out in compassion to those that are hurting and suffering.  Those present at the Training of Trainers Seminar  had a heart to reach out to the community with good education, compassion, and with the love of Jesus.