Tuesday, March 09, 2010

News from Haiti

Paul returned from Haiti and is grateful that flights are now going directly into Port-au-Prince, this makes getting there so much easier. Some services are returning, there was even power in parts of the city the last night he was there. People are still very desperate, thousands are homeless, multiplied thousands are living in tents and will be the next year or more. Water and food are returning to some areas and relief efforts continue to provide food to hard hit areas. Taptap's (Haitian transportation, usually covered pickup trucks) are running in many places and more stores are opening every day.

Thank you for praying for the Haitian people, government and restoration of services. Please remember our missionaries as well they are working tirelessly to handle everything coming their way. Pray for the medical teams working through the next 6 weeks. Thousands of decaying bodies in the rubble pose a significant health risk, especially as the rainy season begins, many fear that the rain will transport the disease down the streets and into the water table.


Robyn @ the Crossroads said...

It is so wonderful to see the good work happening among the people of Haiti. I pray blessings on you, and continued wisdom as you minister. Thank you for caring, organizing, and going! May God continue to show His grace and power to this nation as they cling to Him for hope.

Paul and Lana Duda said...

We appreciate your encouragement and prayers.