Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    It is the time of year when we recognize God's precious gift to us in a manger in Bethlehem.  God bestows wonderful gifts on us all year through.  Lana and I want to acknowledge a few of those gifts.  We are grateful for Jesus our Savior, His love, and His grace extended to us.  We are thankful for family and friends who love us and who pray for us.  We are blessed to have mission's minded churches and individuals who support and pray for us, so that we may fulfill our missionary call.
    This year we received a very special gift Jennifer, our new daughter-in-law.  Joshua, our middle son, married Jennifer in September.  We thank the Lord for His blessing upon our family.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We are Grateful!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

     There is so much to be thankful for this time of the year and all throughout the year.  Some of the people that we are grateful for are our family, friends, prayer, and support partners.  Because of the sacrificial giving of our missionary partners, we have been able to be world missionaries for over 20 years.  Many have sent extra gifts along the way to help us and our family and we are grateful for the generosity and kindness of so many.
     We have three grown sons, one married (Joshua married Jennifer in September).  Our sons went to the mission field with us when they were little boys and supported us, helped us, and prayed for us.  We are grateful to be blessed with such fine men.  And now, I can say, my daughter too!!
     We have a family that had to let us go to parts unknown with tears and a heavy heart.  My husband's Mother brought us a turkey from the states in her luggage, when she came to visit us in Ecuador in the early 90s.  Now, that is some support and a Mother's love!  At that time turkey was scarce and expensive, when you did find it.  When we arrived in Ecuador in 1991, the big talk among the missionary women was that they were now cutting the new hamburger buns......and there was diet coke.....which I grew to like better than the recipe in the U.S.A.  It was much sweeter, which pleased my sweet tooth.
     So, if you are reading this and you are family, friends, or our supporters, we give thanks to the Lord for you and we appreciate you and are grateful this 2010 Thanksgiving!  May you and yours be blessed!  There is a video below of Paul in Haiti, sending greetings and thanks.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ministry in Haiti

   On a recent trip into Haiti, Paul visited many churches; several sites that are already under construction. The churches and schools are being rebuilt, but rebuilding is requiring expansion as well. Churches continue to grow even while meeting in the streets or under tarps. There were several teams from the U.S. working in extreme heat and harsh conditions. Pastors, thank you for sending such dedicated workers for His kingdom. We are a long way from being done, teams are still needed with many projects to complete.
    The Haiti missionary team hopes to plant new churches during this season of unprecedented receptivity to Jesus in Haiti.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ministry in Guyana, South America

Ministry in Guyana, South America
Guyana A/G National Conference
Georgetown and AnnaRegina


 We were priviledged to be invited to the Guyana National Conference in Georgetown, Guyana, Superintendents John and Jean Smith.  We were so encouraged to see so many new young men and women being granted credentials at the conference.  Paul prayed the dedicatory prayer at the Ordination Service.

  We ministered in the Mission's Convention at the Central Church in Georgetown  on a missionary panel.  People who felt a call to missions and church members were able to ask us questions about missions.  We prayed for them afterwards.  

  We had the wonderful pleasure to go up Dredge Creek off of the Pomaroon River from Charity, Guyana with Delight Eytzen to visit a small village Church.

  Delight invited us to her home in AnnaRegina near the Bible School where her husband Dale teaches.  Rain water is the main source of water for homes.  There are big storage tanks above the ground to hold water for everyday use by the homes.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

LAC Regional Studies - Missionary Panel on Earthquake in Haiti

During Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Studies in Springfield, Missouri, Paul along with Berly Bello (missionary to the Dominican Republic), Dale Coad (Caribbean Area Director), and Greg Venturella (Convoy of Hope) shared with the missionaries about relief efforts for Haiti after the earthquake in January.  Many of our missionaries face natural disasters in countries where they minister.  The panel encouraged the missionaries to have a contingency plan designed before they face something like what the Haitians just went through.  We can learn from one another, as we share with each other how the Lord has helped us and has given us wisdom, grace, and anointing when we need it.

Prayer was offered up for our missionaries that we would work together in unity to see God's Kingdom established and His glory revealed in all the earth.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Missionary Fellowship in Haiti

Missionary Fellowship in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

We recently enjoyed worship and fellowship with Bill and Dorothy Smith, Steve and Cynthia Aldrich, Dale and Patti Coad, and Jeff Wiles.  So much has been accomplished in getting set up to receive teams.  Medical teams with HealthCare Ministries have already been into Haiti and ministered to many hurting people.We enjoyed eating wonderful Haitian food at the Smith's home.  The rice and beans had such good flavor. 

 We were amazed at the spirit of the Haitian people.  At night, outside of the missionary's home, in the midst of a tent city, people were singing praises to the Lord.  Children were playing in the street during the day, while women walked with large buckets of water on their heads back to their tent homes.  Please continue to pray for the Haitian people and for the recovery and rebuilding of their county after the earthquake in January.  Thank you for sending and supporting us as missionaries.  We appreciate it!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

News from Haiti

Paul returned from Haiti and is grateful that flights are now going directly into Port-au-Prince, this makes getting there so much easier. Some services are returning, there was even power in parts of the city the last night he was there. People are still very desperate, thousands are homeless, multiplied thousands are living in tents and will be the next year or more. Water and food are returning to some areas and relief efforts continue to provide food to hard hit areas. Taptap's (Haitian transportation, usually covered pickup trucks) are running in many places and more stores are opening every day.

Thank you for praying for the Haitian people, government and restoration of services. Please remember our missionaries as well they are working tirelessly to handle everything coming their way. Pray for the medical teams working through the next 6 weeks. Thousands of decaying bodies in the rubble pose a significant health risk, especially as the rainy season begins, many fear that the rain will transport the disease down the streets and into the water table.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Visit with Ecuador's National A/G Superintendent Fausto Trujillo

Paul had the unexpected joy of visiting with an old friend from Ecuador, Superintendent Fausto Trujillo and Diego Trujillo.  Paul so enjoyed sharing lunch and a little time with them.  Ecuador will always have a special place in our hearts, even though the Caribbean is taking its place there too, especially Haiti.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Relief Work in Haiti

Recently Paul was in Haiti to help with relief supplies and since returning home, he has been very busy coordinating relief efforts, working with our missionaries in Haiti, as well as Convoy of Hope.  Please keep him in your prayers, as he makes another trip into Haiti in February.  Please pray for wisdom and that he will be able to get generators, the necessary items, and help, especially to the people that need it so desperately.  Thank you for sending us.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

Thank you for keeping Paul and the team of missionaries and nationals he is traveling with to Port-au-Prince, Haiti in prayer. They are bringing in supplies to help out devastated people and will be visiting our Assemblies of God Missionaries. If you want to donate funds to the Assemblies of God Relief Effort in Haiti, please go to their website and view the Haiti relief. Funds are needed so help can be given immediately. You can donate money online by clicking “Help for Haiti” button on the homepage or by sending donations to 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802 marked Haiti Relief. There is a video to play in your church on Sunday from