Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today Paul and I did our exercise by walking down a beautiful road in Middlebury, Indiana. There were many Amish farms with lots of horses and cows in open fields. I decided to walk up to a fence to take a closer look at some horses. Suddenly there was a Holstein charging towards me and I realized from the ring in his nose that it was a bull and he was mad. He was snorting, jumping and in a full charge. Too bad I did not have my camera with me to share the look on his face, but take my word for it, he meant business. I was glad there was fence between him and me. I decided to leave his territory and not aggravate him any further. No more gazing at the beautiful horses in the next pasture. I can see the headlines, "Exercising missionary chased down by a mad bull!"
Itineration Spring 2008

We are currently itinerating and have been up in the Southern New England District. Right now we are in Indiana. As we all know, gasoline prices are at a record high. This has affected our cash budget, as it takes more to get to where we are going. It is rising very slowly. We are supposed to be back to our work this fall. I am sure all are praying for lower prices, as it affects everything in our budgets.
However, despite it all, we are enjoying renewing old friendships and making new ones. Recently we ran into a son of a Pastor friend Phil Schoomaker. He is all grown up and in the ministry. His sister Ashley was in my husband's mission's class at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri. She went on a mission's trip to Ecuador with us while we were the Missionaries in Residence at Evangel. Damien and Shawna Schoonmaker are the Youth Pastors at Bethel Christian Church in Bristol, Connecticut. We enjoyed ministering to the youth and felt the Lord has wonderful plans for many of them concerning the ministry and their futures. We were invited to play tag football in the church parking lot, but decided to watch instead. Pastor Damien is doing a great job!