Sunday, December 14, 2008

Surgery - Recuperation

Just a note to express our thanks and appreciation for all the prayers, hospital visits, flowers, cards, food, help, and love that we received during our surgeries. We would not schedule two surgeries in one week again, but otherwise we are doing well. We have had alot of help from family and friends. We are rich people, receiving so much care during this time. We hope to be back in full swing the end of January. We are still itinerating and believing the Lord for a miracle of finance to return to missionary work.

May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Someone should tell Missionary Paul that Speed the Light helps missionaries with a car for a vehicle. All joking aside, Paul joined our neighbor Bobby on a mule ride.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Budget Needs

During November we will be calling and emailing Pastors and friends for regular monthly support as well as a one time cash offering. We are nearing the finish line, will you please consider supporting us. If we do not get our funds raised to return to the field, we will have to take an extension to itinerate longer. You can donate on the blog spot, just click the button found on the right side of the blog or you can send your offering to: Paul J. Duda, Assemblies of God World Missions, Account #2227213, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, MO 65802.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Hudson 50th Wedding Anniversary

I was privileged to attend my Aunt Dee and Uncle James Hudson's 50th wedding anniversary on November 8th in Lexington, Kentucky. They are very special to me.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Paul with Doug Sowers in Richmond, KY.

Paul with National Superintendent from Peru and National Superintendent Jose Medina from Ecuador.

Itineration November 2008

Paul and I are itinerating and praying that soon our budget will be raised so that we can get back to missionary work. We appreciate all who have sent in special offerings to get us back to the field, however, we still are lacking some funds. Please keep us in your prayers.

We will be having surgery in December, Paul a day surgery and Lana, a three day hospital visit and 4-6 week recovery. We will try to keep the blog updated and let you know our progress.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

How Speed-the-Light Helps Missionaries on the Field
My husband Paul and I received an allowance of money raised by Speed the Light as World Missionaries to buy our field vehicle, a four-wheel drive car that took us all over the country of Ecuador. It was a blessing to our family, as we had to ford streams, muddy roads, only accessible with such a vehicle. Our first church plant was in an invasion barrio. An invasion barrio is where people move in over-night and take over a piece of land and set up homes. A city of 16,000 people sprang up in a short amount of time.. We climbed the steep muddy road to the church in our vehicle taking a sound system bought by speed the Light to hold church services in a very humble neighborhood with no running water nor electricity. We began the church with a national brother and his wife, started a feeding program, and a Latin America ChildCare School on the high mountainous terrain above Quito, Ecuador in the village of Atacucho. We trained and mentored Alexis and Patti Sarmiento and eventually they took over the work. We left the sound system with the church. The church today currently feeds 300 starving children during the week, and has a Latin America ChildCare School Pre-K through 4th grade with over 160 students.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Itineration Road
Wow, itinerating during high gas prices. We are not reaching our cash goal as quickly as we need and are praying that our work account is blessed so that we can get back to our work late November, 2008. That is our dream and hope. If you would like to donate to our ministry you can do so through the donate button below, or send it to AGWM, Paul J. Duda, Account #227213, 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Thank you for giving in advance.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

We spent time with Beth and Dave Wenrich at Boston Harbor Community Church (AG) in Boston, MA. We are itinerating in Southern New England District and enjoying renewing old friendships and making new ones.

Boston is a beautiful, diverse city.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Itineration - Paul at First Assembly of God, Clinton, KY. They were getting ready for Vacation Bible School. Pastor Scott Ballard.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Itineration - Kentucky and Indiana - 2008

So far on the voting for what you want to see more of on our blog site, you have indicated you want to see more ministry pictures. There is still time to vote. So, at your request we will be posting more pictures and less talk.....Thanks for responding!

We are in Kentucky itinerating, Lana's home state.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today Paul and I did our exercise by walking down a beautiful road in Middlebury, Indiana. There were many Amish farms with lots of horses and cows in open fields. I decided to walk up to a fence to take a closer look at some horses. Suddenly there was a Holstein charging towards me and I realized from the ring in his nose that it was a bull and he was mad. He was snorting, jumping and in a full charge. Too bad I did not have my camera with me to share the look on his face, but take my word for it, he meant business. I was glad there was fence between him and me. I decided to leave his territory and not aggravate him any further. No more gazing at the beautiful horses in the next pasture. I can see the headlines, "Exercising missionary chased down by a mad bull!"
Itineration Spring 2008

We are currently itinerating and have been up in the Southern New England District. Right now we are in Indiana. As we all know, gasoline prices are at a record high. This has affected our cash budget, as it takes more to get to where we are going. It is rising very slowly. We are supposed to be back to our work this fall. I am sure all are praying for lower prices, as it affects everything in our budgets.
However, despite it all, we are enjoying renewing old friendships and making new ones. Recently we ran into a son of a Pastor friend Phil Schoomaker. He is all grown up and in the ministry. His sister Ashley was in my husband's mission's class at Evangel University in Springfield, Missouri. She went on a mission's trip to Ecuador with us while we were the Missionaries in Residence at Evangel. Damien and Shawna Schoonmaker are the Youth Pastors at Bethel Christian Church in Bristol, Connecticut. We enjoyed ministering to the youth and felt the Lord has wonderful plans for many of them concerning the ministry and their futures. We were invited to play tag football in the church parking lot, but decided to watch instead. Pastor Damien is doing a great job!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ebenezer Church Dedication
March 2, 2008
We have been working on the church in Quito, Ecuador for over four years. The building is finally to a place where the congregation can move in and continue to grow.

Ebenezer Assembly of God in Quito, Ecuador was dedicated on March 2, 2008. National Superintendent Jose Medina gave the dedicatory prayer and Senior Pastor Ron Bontrager of Lakeview Church in Indianapolis, IN challenged the congregation to continue to reach out to the hurting in their community with the love of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Alberto and Silvia Ospina did a great job putting together the dedication service. Pastor Butch Smith of Lakeview Church was there with a team of workers to paint the inside of the church, do the electrical and windows and get the church ready for the dedication. They worked very hard and we appreciate their final push.

A special plaque was made with the names of men who loved Ecuador and missions and who worked on many projects with us. Jim Smith, Douglas Miller, and Russ Pinkerton were all men who loved the Lord and gave of their time and talents to further the cause of Christ in Ecuador. The plaque was unveiled during the dedication. Family members were present with the final team and they were presented flowers.