Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ministry in Guyana, South America

Ministry in Guyana, South America
Guyana A/G National Conference
Georgetown and AnnaRegina


 We were priviledged to be invited to the Guyana National Conference in Georgetown, Guyana, Superintendents John and Jean Smith.  We were so encouraged to see so many new young men and women being granted credentials at the conference.  Paul prayed the dedicatory prayer at the Ordination Service.

  We ministered in the Mission's Convention at the Central Church in Georgetown  on a missionary panel.  People who felt a call to missions and church members were able to ask us questions about missions.  We prayed for them afterwards.  

  We had the wonderful pleasure to go up Dredge Creek off of the Pomaroon River from Charity, Guyana with Delight Eytzen to visit a small village Church.

  Delight invited us to her home in AnnaRegina near the Bible School where her husband Dale teaches.  Rain water is the main source of water for homes.  There are big storage tanks above the ground to hold water for everyday use by the homes.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

LAC Regional Studies - Missionary Panel on Earthquake in Haiti

During Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Studies in Springfield, Missouri, Paul along with Berly Bello (missionary to the Dominican Republic), Dale Coad (Caribbean Area Director), and Greg Venturella (Convoy of Hope) shared with the missionaries about relief efforts for Haiti after the earthquake in January.  Many of our missionaries face natural disasters in countries where they minister.  The panel encouraged the missionaries to have a contingency plan designed before they face something like what the Haitians just went through.  We can learn from one another, as we share with each other how the Lord has helped us and has given us wisdom, grace, and anointing when we need it.

Prayer was offered up for our missionaries that we would work together in unity to see God's Kingdom established and His glory revealed in all the earth.