Thursday, March 23, 2017

Grace Assembly of God, New Whiteland, IN

New Whiteland Team, Team leader Dr. Stacy Johnson with missionary Paul J. Duda
In March a  construction team from  Grace Assembly of God in New Whiteland, IN, lead Pastor Wayne Murray traveled to Cuba.  Team leader Dr. Stacy Johnson led a wonderful group of hard-working people who tackled some of the finishing touches on the church in Antilla.  We are so appreciative of them and all they did while there.  Also a big thanks to their families who held down the home front.

Outside of Antilla Church
The church in Antilla will be dedicated in late September of 2017.  Please keep in mind that your visa needs to be completed 100 days prior to the dedication date.  Paul will have all the information you need to make your plans.
Inside of Antilla Church