We are itinerating (where the missionaries visit their partners in missions and share about the work) visiting our supporters in the Northeast. We travel with a fifth wheel RV and usually park at a church. Some churches have a place to dump the RV holding tanks before leaving onto the next place and others do not. We usually find a campground close to where we are to empty our tanks every four days. We will be in NH next week and a campground where we had planned to visit (usually open mid April) is closed due to the hard winter New England experienced. We are on an adventure to find someplace to dump until they open up May 1. Nothing is too big or too small to ask help from the Lord; I am sure we will find a place somewhere...

We are so encouraged by the generosity of our partners. We started our journey last September 2014 needing to raise $1,076 in monthly pledges and $16,000 in cash. Since January 2015 we have raised an additional $224 more monthly and $7,000 in cash total. Thank you for your help. The chart below reflects what we have left to raise before our September 1, 2015 deadline. It warmed our hearts that a retired group of Christians joined together and sent in a $20 a month pledge recently. May God bless them and you.
The chart reflects $726 left in monthly pledges broken down in giving formats, and $9,000 in cash to raise. We are grateful! Feel free to top the largest pledge, we accept any amounts, or go below the lowest.