Indiana Construction Team works on 4th Floor of Latin America ChildCare School Quito, Ecuador
In July, missionary Paul Duda along with a team from Lakeview Church, pastored by Ron and Dorene Bontrager in Indianapolis, Indiana completed the fourth floor for the Latin America ChildCare School at Aposento Alto Assemblies of God Church in Quito, Ecuador. The team was led by Pastor Butch Smith. Scott and Aaron Jellison from Hermon, Maine joined the team. There will be several new classrooms full of children needing sponsors for the fall class. If you would like to sponsor a child call the Latin America ChildCare Office and ask to speak to Sarah Hemphill. The number of the school is #2013. Her email is: shemphill@lacc4hope.org or she can be reached at 1-800-289-7071. The website for Latin America ChildCare is http://www.lacc4hope.org/.
We had a financial miracle during the month of July. Over $10,000 came in for our cash budget for the next year. We only lack around $180 in monthly pledged support. Many churches have promised to pick us up for support once the economic crisis is over. We are so thankful to you for your faithfulness! May God bless you in every way.