How Speed-the-Light Helps Missionaries on the Field
My husband Paul and I received an allowance of money raised by Speed the Light as World Missionaries to buy our field vehicle, a four-wheel drive car that took us all over the country of Ecuador. It was a blessing to our family, as we had to ford streams, muddy roads, only accessible with such a vehicle. Our first church plant was in an invasion barrio. An invasion barrio is where people move in over-night and take over a piece of land and set up homes. A city of 16,000 people sprang up in a short amount of time.. We climbed th

e steep muddy road to the church in our vehicle taking a sound system bought by speed the Light to hold church services in a very humble neighborhood with no running water nor electricity. We began the church with a national brother and his wife, started a feeding program, and a Latin America ChildCare School on the high mountainous terrain above Quito, Ecuador in the village of Atacucho. We trained and mentored Alexis and Patti Sarmiento and eventually they took over the work. We left the sound system with the church. The church today currently feeds 300 starving children during the week, and has a Latin America ChildCare School Pre-K through 4th grade with over 160 students.